My little sister had just bought a new magazine-"TinkerBell" and its price was RM8.90. Wow, its quite expensive, i guess. RM8.90-i can buy a lot of other things instead of this unhelpful-to-my-sister magazine.
Why do i say so??
Let me show u something....this magazine is one of the example of 'disturbance' in a child's mind, especially muslim children.
That's the first word that i've read from this magazine.
But Allah says that:

Tinker Bell: the tinker fairies-just make the baskets needed to carry seeds, bulbs and other Spring supplies
But Allah says;
Tidakkah engkau melihat bahawa Allah telah menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu menjadilah bumi ini hijau subur (dengan sebabnya)? Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Halus serta lemah-lembut (urusan tadbirNya), lagi Maha Mendalam pengetahuanNya (akan hal-ehwal sekalian makhlukNya). (Surah Al-Hajj:63)
Dan Dialah (Allah) yang menghantarkan angin sebagai pembawa berita yang menggembirakan sebelum kedatangan rahmatnya (iaitu hujan), hingga apabila angin itu membwa awan mendung, Kami halakan ia ke negeri yang mati (ke daerah kering kontang), lalu kami turunkan hujan dengan awan itu, kemudian kami keluarkan dengan air hujan itu berbagai-bagai jenis buah-buahan. Demikianlah pula Kami mengeluarkan (menghidupkan semula) orang-orang yang telah mati, supaya kamu beringat (mengambil pelajaran daripadanya).
(Surah al-A'raf:57)
Yeah, wutever.
Thanks to Allah, for every single thing that occur in this world. Thanks to Allah, we able to see the colourful flowers. Thanks to Allah, who understands and well-acquinted with what He's created.
And i have my concern on this matter when i read the letter sent by the children- she's wondering what kind of fairy was born from the first laughed of her new born brother. ---Maybe previous issue of "TinkerBell" they said that fairies are born when the new born babies have their first laugh.
Please. Watch what your brothers and sisters are reading or watching. It may affect their faith to Allah, because this disturbance always come with 'cute things' like fairies, princess etc. They should be exposed to the Creator at the very early stages, because as they grow up they will questioned everything surrounds them.
This is only one example of mind's control.
post yang bermanfaat huda
semoga org lain menyedari
mind control, or i guess we can say serangan pemikiran.. ghazwul fikr..
menyerang masa masih fragile.
nice strategy, n kuang hasam juga..
my sis, sebaik la x terpengaruh..
ada laa gak masa awal2 gila barbie..
tgk kartun ala2 fairies gak..
camni, anda as kakak la kena buat counter strike.. serang balas.
heh.. sampai masa, dia akan fikir ngan lebih rasional n matang..
n as abang n kakak, kene guide la kan ke mana yg sepatutnya, rite?
to shah,
iAllah moga kita semua mnyedarinya...byk lg mnda sekeliling ni yg kita kena alert-it's an attack!!!
to ZS,
for me kartun mmg jelas xreal..thing get worst bile muncul education magazine mcm tinkerbell ni.well, disney..wut do u xpect?mmg ghazwul fikr.
ye,dalm usaha iAllah=)
counter strike:half life pnye sy balas...huhu
n kita kena tlg parents tarbiyah adik2,sbb tu tgjwb as anak..
tp yela, dugaan gk sbb bila kakak yg kurang bkuasa ckp, dorang kurang skit nk dgr...huhu
when i was young, x ingat bile...but i have this book on disney's hercules...yelah dalam tu ade pasal all the greek gods and goddesses; but yang menariknye kat depan ade warning...ala2 18PA la, pasal agama. bagus la letak...huhu.
anyway, alhamdulillah, i wasn't affected but i made sure that my sisters never get their hands on the book. yelah, they were really young at that time...x nak bg terpengaruh. mmg kena tgk2 jgk la...;)
good job adlan=)
such a concern big brother..n bgusnye amaran tu ade kt depan buku...rsnye xpernah nmpak ape2 amaran kt buku kanak2 b4 this~
anyway,i admit that all of Disney things are so cute and beautiful,so no wonder children esp girls really love it.
(my lil sis is so obsess with disney princess*sigh*)
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