Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Before my eyes

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

(tiba-tiba terasa, saya selalu tidak memulakan post saya dengan ucapan kesejahteraan terhadap sesiapa yang membacanya. Maafkan saya, insyaAllah selepas ini saya akan memulakannya dengan kalimah kesejahteraan ini. Teringat sebuah buku tulisan seorang ikhwan, bertajuk Dakwah dan Cinta di Jalan Allah, yang memberitahu bahawa ucapan 'Assalamualaikum' adalah doa terbaik apabila bertemu dengan saudara kita. Besar maknanya, kerana apabila kita mencintai saudara kita, kita mahu segala kebaikan datang padanya, dan keburukan menjauhi daripadanya.)


One sunny day I was walking down the street, heading to Dunnes Store in St Stephen's Green Mall and suddenly saw a female teenager, blonde, wearing skirt, with some of her friends. They were chattering with each other, cheerfully, and what made me stared at her was: she had one leg. She was standing on that time with a crutch.

Astaghfirullah, I looked down to see what Allah had gave me, and can't imagine my life without legs...how am I gonna walk?
And I suddenly remembered a song entitled 'Forgive me when I whine'...

Anyway, in reality, we used to see people with disabilities. They are people around us, and want to live like us, as a perfect person. They don't ask Allah to give them to be like that, no matter it is congenital or due to other factors.

Physically, some of us are perfect and some do not. But bear in mind, those people that Allah gave them with disability may be nearer to Allah compared to the perfect ones. Allah tested them, and if they still have faith in Him, subhanallah Allah will love them more. They are the chosen ones...

May Allah protect us from being not thankful to every single thing that He gave us....

p/s: bimbang juga nikmat Iman dan Islam ditarik balik oleh Allah...nauzubillah..yaAllah, kekalkanlah kami dalam keimanan dan ketaatan kepadaMu...

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