Friday, November 28, 2008

persiapan exam mlebihi psiapan mati??


Malam tadi mimpi something yg agak...pelik maybe, or I shall say mimpi yg menginsafkan.
Although pagi tu ade exam econ, so memang diselimuti IB course companion econ mlm tu, mimpi ni somehow agak mengetuk diri ni utk kembali mengenal erti seorang hamba....

*ini adalah mimpi, maka mmg terdapat unsur tidak logic tapi sila beri tumpuan pada pkr yg menyedarkan pnulis instead of jln cerita die
Mimpi 1
Latar tempat: my old school, Seratas
Latar masa: siang

Mimpi bermula dalam niat ingin menuju ke dewan makan(memandangkan mmg tidur dalam keadaan perut kosong) bersama Afifah and a few classmate Mo7J. Orang sekeliling agak ramai and suasana DM pun agak gamat sbb mmg time we approaching the dining hall, suddenly suasana jadi bising dan sume orang berpaling dan menunjuk2 ke arah satu tempat...di sebalik dewan makan dan bgnan2 asrama, muncul seekor binatang yg sangat besar, boleh ditafsirkan cam kacukan 2ekor haiwan sbb ekor die pjg cm biawak, tapi badan die cam binatang kaki empat cam singa tuh...suasana time tu cm agak real sbb mmg latar tmpat seratas yg dikelilingi gunung ganang..saiz die sbsar bangunan gk ar....then suddenly muncul sekor lg dlm bntk yg lain, di belakang binatang tadi...2 ekor binatang ni cam mendekati.....
Ktorang jadi sangat cuak, dan xsmpat msuk ke dewan makan....tiba2 ada orang menjerit,

Semua orang bertempiaran lari.Yup, I ran too but on that moment in this dream, ade cetusan hati yg I still can remember....

Selepas orang tsbut jerit kiamat, jantung cam bdegup sgt kuat dan tpikir,
"Ya Allah, aku x bsedia lagi!! Amalan aku belum cukup lagi! Xsempat dah ni! YaAllah, benarlah!"
Hati lagi mengiakan yg time tu mmg hari kiamat sbb hari ni hari jumaat...
I ran back to the hostel, n sume org time tu dah xtentu hala. I grab my hnset and try to call my mom...
"Hello umi!Semua orang ok ke??".dalam nada cemas
"Huda ok x??" tnya umi.
"Huda ok2!!" dan talian berhenti sampai situ. there's something different.suara umi dalam mimpi tu lain sgt, sbb sgt sayu dan lembut.

By the time selesai je call umi, I looked back to the dining hall and--

Before my eyes, bumi suddenly diterbalikkan.

Tamat mimpi.

-terjaga dan terus istighfar. buku econ still terbukak depan mata.berfikir sejenak dan mengambil masa utk kembali menginsafi.

then bace econ balik kmudian tidur lagi.(mmg mggu exam tidur x lena)
Mimpi 2

Latar: rumah

Tgh bkumpul dgn semua siblings, dan umi kt depan mata.
"Umi, mlm tadi saya mimpi dah nak kiamat. ......(saya mnceritakan details spt mimpi ptama td)....then dgr suara umi lain sgt. Lembut semacam je suara umi mcm orang tgk sakit....."

tamat mimpi 2.

Mimpi dua tu agk pelik la sbb bleh cite balik mimpi ptama kt umi.Apa yg nk diceritakan disini, adalah apa yg tkesan di hati ni.

Dalam kita berjuang di bumi KMB ni kita semua kena ingat....jangan sekali-kali cuba untuk mengagungkan dunia dan menyingkirkan akhirat.( Yup, mimpi selalu dipengaruhi oleh syaitan. Saya xmrasakan ini adalah mimpi buruk, sbb tkesan di hati akan apa yg trdapat di sebalik mimpi tu and lagipun mimpi buruk xboleh diceritakan kepada sesiapa pun.)

Ni satu peringntan tentang persiapan exam yang melebihi persiapan mati. Setiap jiwa yang hidup pasti merasai mati. Manusia jika dilihatkan, persiapan mereka utk menghadapi dunia lebih hebat daripada persiapan menghadapi akhirat. Padahal hidup juga adalah satu ujian, dan pemeriksanya adalah ALLAH. maka skemanya adalah daripada ALLAH. keputusan peperiksaan ini adalah syurga atau neraka. sama ada terima kertas periksa( buku amalan ) daripada tgn kanan atau tgn kiri. jangan sampai ketika kita leka dgn dunia, maka apabila ALLAH menarik nyawa kita, kita belum bersedia. Mati adalah pasti, dan tiada siapa dapat lari daripada mati. Tiada penangguhan utk ketetapan ini.
Dalam mimpi bleh la tcari2 tempat utk berlindung padahal on that moment, tiada tempat berlindung selain daripada berharap kepada ALLAH.

YaAllah, peliharalah hati-hati kami agar sentiasa tunduk dan patuh kepadaMu. Jauhkanlah kami dari godaan syaitan laknatullah, dan matikanlah kami dalam keadaan kami beriman kepadaMU.

YaAllah, ampunkanlah segala dosa2 kami, ampunkanlah kami dengan sifat Ar Rahim yang Kau miliki. Terimalah taubat kami yaAllah. Kami hamba yang lemah dan hina, seringkali alpa dengan suruhanMu. Kami tak layak untuk memasuki syurgaMU yaAllah......namun kami tidak sekali-kali sanggup untuk ke nerakaMu.....

Buat diri ini dan rakan2, jom sama2 kita bertaubat sentiasa, kerana setiap hari sama ada sedar atau tidak, kita sentiasa melakukan dosa. Mari mohon keampunan Allah, dan sentiasa perbaiki diri.

"...pada hari itu manusia berkata,"Ke mana tempat lari?? Tidak! Tidak ada tempat
berlindung! Hanya kepada Tuhanmu tempat kembali pada hari itu..."

Mari sama-sama berkerja keras, demi akhirat. Wallahualam~

Monday, November 10, 2008

mencari spirit yang hilang

Today,(10 nov 2009)

as early as 5.30am, something had happened to me....things that made me cried, although i have no intention to let the tears out.....

my laptop had a problem with the windows, and i got to transfer all of my important files to the local disk d...

i accidentally deleted all of the saved pictures in my laptop....when i realized it, it was too late...i permanently deleted those pictures...which actually ALL pictures that i have..

on that moment i felt like losing something.something that can't be explain, because i knew that it were only folders of pictures...things that i actually able to get back..( but there are some folders that i can't get it back ie EE pictures isk isk)

i tried to hold my tears. really tried.


it was time to prepare for subuh prayer. i woke up my roomate, hiding my red eyes that almost i walked to the toilet to take a bath, i knew that i couldn't hold it any longer. and i cried by the time i stepped into the shower. yeah, its kinda brilliant thing to cry in the shower as no one will realize it,=).

reason for me to cry:-

-i felt like i was losing all of my family....all of the recorded memories had could i resist in this college without the pictures of their smiles that give me the strength to live???

-i was losing all of my friends........old friends and my friends here. but i know that i can have the pictures later~~

-folders that i lost: wedding along, raye08,m07j,hari anugerah,islamic wallpaper, cute, EEPICTURES(waaa....!!!) etc and total size of the folder is 5.38GB....

I was losing all of my spirits.........

actually since i've just deleted the file, i was fighting with myself that the value of all of those things is nothing compared to the love that Allah had gave to you....only at this time, i managed to control myself....


Oh Allah, forgive me for having such feelings, which make me felt that this world meant something to me.Forgive me for having all of the thought, that make me cry for the useless things....because one day i will be leaving everything that i owned, that moment nothing can help me except Allah......

this world is nothing compared to Your love, oh Allah.

then i gained my spirits back, with a smile on my face after subuh prayer.

Monday, November 3, 2008

fingers of siblings~

I just want to say that I really really love my family....

fresh and fabulous

I am very new in this world of bloggers, and this is my first post for this fresh new blog…

I thought to have this because I’ve just realized the importance of writing and having a reflection to any incident/moments as the day passes…
I love to write actually, but it is only written in my book of heart as I love to observe people. Maybe it can be considered that this is another step forward of observing people, because I learn the subject called life from my experience dealing with human being.

Al-Huda, or guidance, is the main objective for me to write in this blog. It can be a guidance to anyone outside there, and a guidance for me specifically as I am going to write every significant moment that happens in each day, or when necessary.

From as small as one year old kid to as old as an old man, they really can touch my heart by their action or words that somehow by coincidence, related to me. I don’t want the memory just fade away, because when you are touched, it is guidance from Allah, or reminder to be aware of. Hidayah Allah is everywhere, and it can come in any moment.

Honestly, I am very grateful to be named Huda, although it has only 4 alphabets(very short!!) and some of the people sometimes deliberately add ‘Nurul’ before my name if they don’t know my real name. Yup, I did wonder why my parents didn’t just add Nur or Nurul, so that people will not ask why I have such a short name. And I did ask my parent about this…and their answer: “We never thought to add Nur or Nurul. Huda is enough, and there is a story behind the name”.
Haha. I’ll stop the story there. Maybe later I’ll continue.

What is important right now is I am here to share with everyone, the moment which we can learn something from it, and try to improve ourselves to be a better muslim…….wallahualam.