"When was actually our last time together?"
"When will you come here to meet me?"(vice versa, when will I go to visit you in cork?hehe=D)
"When will we gather back, and create those memories that we used to be for the last two years?"
And for today, YOU'VE GROWN UP!!
And I just can't hug you from here~
Well, turning 20 is a nice thing anyway!=)
As you will realized how your surroundings expect you to change to become an adult, how you should behave and act ;)
So, Happy 20th Birthday To Ain!!
May Allah loves you more than I do.
"When will you come here to meet me?"(vice versa, when will I go to visit you in cork?hehe=D)
"When will we gather back, and create those memories that we used to be for the last two years?"
And for today, YOU'VE GROWN UP!!
And I just can't hug you from here~
Well, turning 20 is a nice thing anyway!=)
As you will realized how your surroundings expect you to change to become an adult, how you should behave and act ;)
So, Happy 20th Birthday To Ain!!
May Allah loves you more than I do.
p.s: to Amalina Ma'amon if you are reading this, please forgive my housemates-they left my souvenirs that I bought from London for you and Ain(bcoz they were in hurry when they left for Galway). And fyi, our birthday in Hijri calendar is approaching~=)
ya ukhti!!!!!!!!!!!
huda...insyaAllah..kita jmpa
last skali xclpa tyme neumed kan..
yg tyme sy bg buku VT tu...igt x???
huhu...tringt zaman jaulah. T_T
smg prtmbhn usia mrakamkn kmtgn n kfhmn ttg ad Deen dan prjuangan Islam..same goes to all of us..insyaALLAH
harap ketemu~
20 years old..kikiki
huda, huda salah eja nama amal..wawawa..bru 2 sem nie x jumpe..da lupe..sedey2.. (T_T)
hudaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!!!!!! jumaat nie insyaALLAH amal naek dublin..tp sabtu mlm amal balik da..ad hal ahad tue..amal insyaALLAH bakal menempel kt umah rima ag..sabtu tue ingt nk g piknik..moh la..moh la..rindu huda..! rindu nk dgr huda bg pengisian ag..ngee~ amal ckp kt rima da wat piknik satu kelas yok..yg pempuan je la..jom wat usrah kecik2..huda bz x aritu..?? =)
ok saye jeles...
brani krg kumpol2 tnpa besday gal yee... T_T
"assabiyah j" =D
yg da 20thn~
to ain:
hehehe......buku VT?yup2, hadiah dari ain time program dulu..beli senyap2..hehehe..jazakillah again!!last jumpa time emm....numed ek?mknenye mmg lama sungguh dah ni ain....cepat2 dtg dublin!!
to amal:
huda buat singkatan laaa....saje je tak bubuh Noor doesn't mean huda tak ingat nama penuh amal...heee...jgn marah ek..sowie...
jumaat ni dtg dublin??picnic jom kt park!!=D yeay~~
iAllah, kalau xde ape2, kita plan ek wat usrah kecik sekejap, insyaAllah ;)
haha..! bkn pasal noor la, yang..tue..nama ayah amal tue..mana ad 2 'a'..ngeh3.. =P
ehe..insyaALLAH..memg nk g..ngee..aritu plan ngan rima ngan malo..nnt korg pakat ngan dak2 kelas kt dublin eak.. =)
ain, tue la..amal ajak da..ain yg x bley g..ngee.. =P xpe..insyaALLAH nnt kte pakat kumpul ramai2 ag ye.. (^^)
bkn xnak..xbuleh je...
krg dtg la cni taw
(slipin beg jgn lupe lak <----ttb)
pastu blanje ain byk2
ttb da jadi ruang chating kat cni..
to amal:
erk???waaa tertekan 'a' lebeyh~~~~huhuhu
pe kate kite jgn g stephen green's park?sbb dekat sgt!!hehe=D
kite g jauh skit..dapat nak bas sesama=)
to ain:
tula, ain asal weekend je mesti busy~~tapi xpe, insyaAllah ada masa Allah bg nanti, do come to dublin or we'll go to cork..;)
dun worie~~
One thing:
cuba ya elak virus2 ukhwah~~=)
ain: aha..! agak la..xpe la..nk chat direct sume timing laen2..adeih.. T_T jd la chat kt sini.. =P
insyaALLAH..nnt klu bley amal g cork ag..ain pon bley dtg galway..ngee~ =D
ag satu..ain..qum faanzir tue ape..?? bhs arab amal fail..lalala~ =P
huda: haha..! xpe.. =D bley je..huda pakat ngan rima sume2..amal ikut je korg..amal kn 'tourist' korg..nahaha.. =P
ain + huda: sayang korgggg..!! ukhwah fillah~~ [=^_^=]
tourist guide: where do u wanna go miss?
amal: anywhere!!=)
tourist guide: owh, im afraid that i couldnt bring you to the most wonderful place ever in life if you dont..
amal: if i dont...what?
tourist guide: if you dont attend the 'circle' organized by the Dubliners for the sake of Allah and in aiming Jannah!!=D
amal tny maksud QUM FAANZIR ek...
cuba bukak Al Quran
tgk ALMudathir
paham la...hehe :D
bz tyme hjg mgg?
hehe no komen
moga masa2 saya diisi dgn yg xsia2
krn tggjwb kita semua lbh byk dr masa yg ada kan..
ada kelapangan
saya usahakan pergi ye kwn2
insyaALLAH =)
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