Right after Zohor prayer, I noticed that the clouds showed a sign to change the day into a raining day. But it wasn't a heavy rain. No matter what kind of rain it is, we do believe that it's a rahmat from Allah SWT.
And a few minutes later, rain started to fall. And on that moment too, I heard one little voice shouting repeatedly about the raining day. It came from my neighbour's house, a Chinese family who lived next two doors to my house.
Guess what did the little girl shout?
"rain go away"
"rain go away"
"rain go away"
And she kept repeating that for about 15 minutes. From her voice, I made a conclusion that she was shouting to the sky, where the rain came from.
"rain go away"
"rain go away"
"rain go away"
And she kept repeating that for about 15 minutes. From her voice, I made a conclusion that she was shouting to the sky, where the rain came from.
I smiled, and believe that she don't really know what is the function of rain. Allah will not create a useless thing.
And I do know, where the song come from. It's very familiar to me.=)
Have you ever watched Dora The Explorer?
If I'm not mistaken, the song came from this television programme.(For those who has little bro n sis, you might know this programme when your lil bro n sis are watching it) The song is actually like this:
And I do know, where the song come from. It's very familiar to me.=)
Have you ever watched Dora The Explorer?
If I'm not mistaken, the song came from this television programme.(For those who has little bro n sis, you might know this programme when your lil bro n sis are watching it) The song is actually like this:
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Come again another day
In this television programme, Dora asked all children who are watching to sing together with her. And yes, the clouds that brought the raindrops went away from the area where Dora was.After that, Dora will say, "Look friends! The rain had went away!Lets continue to play"(this part i don't really remember)
Conclusion: The little girl next two doors to my house watched Dora The Explorer. And she applied it to her daily life.
Conclusion: The little girl next two doors to my house watched Dora The Explorer. And she applied it to her daily life.
It is He Who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember. (Al-A'raf:57)
Dan Dialah (Allah) yang menghantarkan angin sebagai pembawa berita yang menggembirakan sebelum kedatangan rahmatnya (iaitu hujan), hingga apabila angin itu membwa awan mendung, Kami halakan ia ke negeri yang mati (ke daerah kering kontang), lalu kami turunkan hujan dengan awan itu, kemudian kami keluarkan dengan air hujan itu berbagai-bagai jenis buah-buahan. Demikianlah pula Kami mengeluarkan (menghidupkan semula) orang-orang yang telah mati, supaya kamu beringat (mengambil pelajaran daripadanya).
It is He Who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember. (Al-A'raf:57)
Dan Dialah (Allah) yang menghantarkan angin sebagai pembawa berita yang menggembirakan sebelum kedatangan rahmatnya (iaitu hujan), hingga apabila angin itu membwa awan mendung, Kami halakan ia ke negeri yang mati (ke daerah kering kontang), lalu kami turunkan hujan dengan awan itu, kemudian kami keluarkan dengan air hujan itu berbagai-bagai jenis buah-buahan. Demikianlah pula Kami mengeluarkan (menghidupkan semula) orang-orang yang telah mati, supaya kamu beringat (mengambil pelajaran daripadanya).
~Control what ever your little sister/brother watching~
~Children programme may be an indirect way of ghazwul fikr, so make sure your little sister/brother is protected with the knowledge about Allah The Creator~
p/s: sy masih tak boleh terima cerita2 yg tah ape2 kt tv skrg,cthnye Ceplos,E-Toyol.Com,lagenda indonesia etc. Adik2ku kadang2 degil juga.
erm.. bkn aje TV sbnanye.
tak pernah nyanyi eh lagu tu masa tadika, huda?
cam dah faymes je lagu tu sejak kecik. huhu...
and yes, dengan bantuan media, lagilah senang nak pengaruh budak2.
sing-a-long style nye lah especially..
seems like fun, and educational, tapi membentuk pemikiran gak sebenarnya.
seems like u really r against banyak TV shows.. heh.. sblom ni pasal fairies kan?
smoga berjaya lah guide adik tu.
everybody has their own turning point.
my childhood pon, layan je benda2 macam tu, sebab terasa seronok kot, tapi, hamdanlillah, dicerahkan dengan panduan Allah.
pape hal, Dia lah yang menentukan.
mungkin... ur sis pon tengok dan terasa sekadar seronok, tak terpengaruh sangat.. since dia pun tatau pape sangat.. like me.. huhuh..
but well, she got you.. and you'll help her, won't you? =)
haa?xpernah pun nyanyi lagu tuh time tadika..huhu..tgk jenis tadika la kot,n dekat tadika ABIM(my tadika kcik2) mmg xdela blaja lagu tu.huhu
yup,i'm quite choosy when i comes to tv..and it affects my sisters too,huhu=)
act satu je niat:xnk kejahilan dahulu turut dirasai oleh adik2ku.yeah,dorg msih knak2 n time ni laa plg sesuai nk guide die...kan?=)
yup,i'll help her iAllah.
p/s:msih blom bjaya mgwal pmakanan adik2 yg ske beli jajan yg bukan2.*adeh*sgt xberkhasiat
hm, huda tu adek yg kecik...boleh la kot nak control2 kan..how about adek yg dah remaja?
Her way of thinking, her dressings, social life n etc..
terasa sgt susah untuk mentarbiyah keluarga sendiri..
salam dz,oleh kerana sy ade 4org adik, maka bmkna saya turut ada adik remaja...
utk mereka perlu cara lebih bilhikmah, melalui contoh teladan, nasihat dan lain2 yg sesuai dgn jiwa remaja.teguran kdg2 perlu juga.*sy sendiri msih brusaha*
remember, Allah will test us at our weakest point..
sy pon tadika ABIM gak.. erm.. bukan kat tadika kot.. masa kat rumah babysitter masa tu kot. eh, ke skola rendah? rasanya sekolah rendah. hhuh..
hmm.. kalo adik remaja, sy ada pengalaman gak.
adik perempuan remaja, and i'm a guy.
so.. huhu.. cam lg susah je.. tp stakat ni i managed utk guide gak sedikit sbanyak..
n yes, kene berhikmah..
take it easy..
insyaAllah, boleh punya.
*sedang berusaha juga, utk diri dan keluarga*
btw, u're a good sis, huda
owh,tadika kita sejenis,ha3=)
erm,as a brother u have a heavier responsibility compared to me..coz anda kena pgg amanah smpi akhirat nnt.
slagi ada hayat,kena main peranan utk keluarga.
n me personally i have a good brother and sister, and nilai itu akan bertambah jika sifat 'good' ini disinari dgn nilai tarbiyah dalam keluarga.masyaAllah, ia akan jadi sungguh indah...
Omedetou naaaa!!!!!!!! Setinggi-tinggi tahniah disulami nada hamdallah...
Sesungguhnya rahmat Allah amatla besar dan tak terhitung keluasan-Nya... Huhu, moga dipermudahkan urusan awak nnt yek, insyaallah,
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