Tuesday, January 20, 2009

O Allah, do I always ask for this?

I've just finished my medical interview with IUMC(Irish University of Medical school Consortium). Honestly,I'm quite nervous to know the results, about who gonna be the selected one to study in Ireland.
Comments on my performance during interview? My answer is "bismillahi tawakkal alallah...". Allah knows what best for me.

I want to share one of my thought before attending this interview with all of you.

One of my junior gave me one verse from alQuran, from surah Hud: 15-16 which says,

"barangsiapa yang menghendaki kehidupan dunia dan
perhiasannya,pasti Kami berikan (penuh) atas pekerjaan
mereka di dunia dengan sempurna dan mereka di dunia tidak
akan dirugikan. Itulah orang-orang yang tidak memperoleh
sesuatu di akhirat kecuali neraka,dan sia-sialah di sana apa
yang telah mereka usahakan di dunia dan terhapuslah apa yang
mereka kerjakan."

Masya Allah. I dont want to be one of them, who Allah mentioned will enter the hell just because you never bother your life in akhirat.

I reflect myself.....starts with the UPSR.....I've never expected to score straight A's...then I don't want to enter sekolah agama, because I am not prepared to be that 'good'. It's not my place...

Then Allah give me Seratas, an SBP, science school in Taiping which I think this school really taught me a lot about life and Islam...5 years in Seratas is so wonderful...

BUT, when I was in form 5, I went to KISAS for a discussion programme with their prefects and Badar...and it suddenly popped out from my mind,"kenapa laa Allah tak izinkan aku dapat offer Kisas dulu?bumi Kisas ni sangat memikat hati...tenang je rasa.."

but I quickly clear my mind back." huda, ade hikmah dapat Seratas. Allah knows what best for you."

Yup. Seratas is totally among Allah's gift which make me feel so grateful. alhamdulillah.

Then PMR, SPM alhamdulillah I'm able to score with flying colours. Succeed in MARA interview, got medicine, going overseas are the following Allah's gifts. I dont want to study abroad actually, because I love the Arabic language( which i've learnt for 4 yrs in seratas) but by Allah's will, i failed to get a place to study medicine in UIA.

Then Allah gave me MARA College Banting, IB diploma with a wonderful friends, deeper Islamic understanding etc...this is too much for a mere servant at Allah's eye like me. Allah knows what best for us.

I want this, Allah give it to me. If I dont get what I want, Allah give another alternative, which better than the one that I've choose.

Such smooth path in my education part makes me feel worried. O Allah, do I always ask for this? to be successful in my life.....what about my life in hereafter??

I dont want to be with those who disobey you...but am I qualified to enter your jannah?? O Allah, forgive me for such thought, forgive me for everything....

I don't want this...I want a smooth path in hereafter in seeing you my God...I'll do everything for a better life in hereafter, help me Allah as I have no strength at all...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


song title:SATU HATI

Bilakah lagi kita semua satu hati

Bilakah lagi keamanan kan dikecapi

Bilakah lagi Islam kan dijulang tinggi

Bangunlah wahai ummah kita satu hati

Marilah bersama bersatu berjihad menentang kezaliman

Oh insan sedarlah pembalasan Tuhan pasti akan datang

Jangan takut jangan takut berjuanglah untuk keamanan

Doakanlah mereka di Gaza agar Allah beri kekuatan, ketabahan dan kemenangan untuk melawan musuh Allah, yakni Israel laknatullah. Berjaya Islam jika ummatnya bersatu. At least, do solat hajat, pray for them with all of your heart during that prayer for Allah to help them as we are not there to help them directly. Or you also can donate some money to the organization like Aman Palestin etc so that the money can be use for muslims in Palestin.

Don't just ignore this reminder,spread it for Muslim's sake.

Allahu akbar.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Semester 4 has just started, and I've received the result for the semester 3 exams. Alhamdulillah, although my result is not very satisfying, it taught me something. My grades for all subjects seems 'fluctuates'( think economically, so your fundamental concept can be improved, hehe).

You may be better at this subject, and have some weaknesses for the other, but all of the knowledge is from Allah. By Allah's will, you can master the topic. By Allah's will, you need to put extra hard work to understand the concept.

But sometimes things can be different with our point of view, although during the exam we usually become a 'free thinker'. It depands to how far we understand one particular topic.
I want to share one economic moment with all of you, which I think it totally different with my understanding and faith.

Question 2 for economics paper 1: The world economy may be subjected to economic shocks, such as sudden increase in oil prices and terrorist attacks. With the help of aggregate demand/ supply diagram....

Ok. Economic shocks.

My marks for the second part of the question is very bad as the teacher comments that I misunderstand the question. So I went for consultation to make things clear, and yeah I know that there still a lot of things I need to do to master in economics.

......"aid? why do you put aid as one of the things to minimize the effects of economic shocks?"......
I am speechless. I thought it was right. The countries who have terrorist attacks need aids, especially humanitarian aid.

....."this terrorist attacks is referring to US actually....."
And I was like..."Hah?"


I went to my class, with my mind can't stop thinking about that. "Terrorist attacks in US?"....."Oh, it must be referring to September 11..."

Logically, as it is about economic shocks, so it is true for US(regardless who attacks them on this moment). And I am wrong for referring to Palestin. But it simply because I have different point of view for that incident. I never ever think about that, when answering this question.

Economics is a social science subject, so it really plays with the normative statement.

Think back, and reflect.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ku impi dia mujahid

Mungkin terlalu tinggi cita-cita. tapi tak salah untuk berharap.

Rancangan umi untuk mengambil seorang anak angkat lelaki dari bumi Palestin, saya sokong 100%. Kata umi, ini sebahagian daripada program di bawah kelolaan Ustaz Zamri, daripada Jabatan Mufti Perak. Saya tak dapat cungkil banyak maklumat lagi pasal isu ini sebab ade kawan umi yang ajak. Apa yang pasti, I'm really excited to have abang/adik angkat. (As in our family, we only have a brother out of eight siblings) Secara amanah nanti, umi akan bayar sedikit duit setiap bulan untuk perbelanjaannya. Kira macam menaja, dari jarak jauh.

Saya tanya umi.....

Kenapa tak bawa dia datang Malaysia?
Umi: nak buat apa, biar di sana dia berjuang pertahankan palestin dan Masjid Al-Aqsa daripada bersenang makan tidur(hmm...reality for youngsters here in Malaysia. Kalau dia mati syahid, insya Allah kita dapat kebajikannya sekali.

Emm....bawa sini, educate then hantar balik Palestin?
Umi: Kat sini mana nak hantar dia belajar perang, segala jenis senjata? Biarlah duduk kat sana, keadaan lebih memerlukan dia.

Amanah dari umi, sekiranya umi tiada lagi di dunia, umi harap kami dapat teruskan apa yang umi lakukan ini. Insya Allah, I will.
Kalau dia masih kecil, moga Allah beri kesempatan kepadanya untuk menjadi seorang mujahid Islam, mempertahankan Palestin. Amin.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah saudara-saudara kami di Palestin daripada kecaman Zionis laknatullah.Sahabat, mari kita lakukan apa saja yang kita terdaya untuk menyekat kemaraan Zionis, walaupun tidak berada di bumi Palestin....

Di bawah ini adalah doa qunut nazilah, digalakkan membacanya dalm solat fardhu bagi memdoakan saudara seislam kita di Palestin.....jihad mereka adalah jihad akidah, kewajipan bagi kita untuk turut mempertahankan tanah suci Palestin...