Thursday, December 24, 2009

Walau ringan atau berat

Loch Lomond, Glasgow

Edinburgh Castle

"Dan berangkatlah kamu baik dengan rasa ringan maupun rasa berat, dan berjihadlah dengan harta dan jiwamu di jalan Allah. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui"
(At-Taubah, 9:41)

"Dan katakanlah,"bekerjalah kamu, maka Allah akan melihat pekerjaanmu, begitu juga RasulNya dan orang-orang mukmin, dan kamu kan dikembalikan kepada Yang Mengetahui yang ghaib dan nyata, lalu diberitakanNya kepada kamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan"
(At-Taubah, 9:105)

No excuse to not moving forward

No reason to not following Muhammad SAW

No reason to not being thankful to Allah, for giving me chances to be in Iman and Islam


"Lihat generasi al-Quran yang unik, yang sempat bersama Rasulullah SAW untuk menyebarkan Islam. Mereka diproses dengan sebaiknya oleh Rasulullah melalui proses tarbiyah,bersama-sama menghadapi kesukaran dan hasilnya? Subhanallah, sehingga kini mereka masih diperkatakan dan menjadi role model kepada semua orang."

Antum nak jadi doktor, ambil masa 5 tahun untuk proses lengkapkan degree dan sanggup bersusah payah menghadapi segala cabaran dan kesusahan bidang ini. Untuk apa? Untuk akhirnya bekerja sebagai doktor yang berkelayakan tinggi.

Maka sama lah juga proses tarbiyah ini, untuk membentuk antum menjadi seorang individu muslim yang tulen seterusnya menjadi asas kepada pembentukan generasi muslim yang mencontohi keunikan generasi al-Quran yang terdahulu."

(post-PMS Glasgow 2009)

Selagi masih sempat, aku mohon diberi peluang untuk meluahkan rasa syukurku kepadaMU.

Wahai Tuhan yang membolak balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hati kami dalam ketaatan kepadaMU..kami mohon diberi keberkatan dalam setiap tindakan, dan petunjuk ke jalan yang Kau redhai.aminn

p/s: moga diberi keberkatan masa untuk kami mengulangkaji pelajaran utk exam final sem 1 ini.aminn.doakan kami ye=)

Friday, December 11, 2009

these people

"Apsal muka rilex je?Tak cuak ke?",tegur seorang ahli kumpulan kelas Anatomy ketika ujian lisan antomy.
"Erm,muka je kot~!hati nervous gak ni"


Qalb, very subjective. Very complicated.

Who can read other's face expression?Even a psycologist need years to study human feelings and expressions, and ended up with answers that everyone knows that it isn't an absolute answer, as it applies to majority of the human population, not individual.

I lived for 20 years, and even sometimes me myself can't understand my own feelings.

I met a lot of people throughout my life, and by Allah's will I have met these people.

The people that no one can't tell that they are actually in pain, and trouble.Just because their face always give smiles to others, never get angry and used to be the first person to volunteer to help others who'r in trouble.

Subhanallah.May Allah bless them until hereafter.

These people, insyaAllah are those who are very close to Allah.

And their love to Allah and His Messenger, make them can stand everything. Yeah, everything.

O Allah, make me strong like them, and place us with those who always be thankful to You.

These people, reminded me to Your Messenger and his companions.

O Allah, what have happened to us is just very insignificant compared to what sahabat and sahabiah had faced earlier when they have Your Messenger with them.

Children threw stones without hesitation, discrimination in economy until they faced hunger,and many more.

Just within my surroundings, I met these people. And hopefully Allah will give me chances to always be with them until I die.

In reality, who are these people actually?

These are people who their lips never fail for zikr, their heart never hope for anything except Allah, their mind never oriented to others except to what Allah like and everything that they do, they will relate it to Allah.

And da'wa, is their business, because they believe in Allah.

Yes, only Allah knows what's inside their heart. And it never shown from their face.

*reflection dari diriku yg terasa diuji dengan kesenangan dan tiba2 kesedihan, namun apabila diizin Allah utk melihat these people...yaAllah, hambaMu bersyukur dengan ujian ini..jadikanlah kami setabah mereka....*